FourSquare Research home

FourSquare Research delivers valid and reliable data focused on answering all questions defined in the scope of the project: from forecasts of membership and revenue, to preferred location, to pricing structure and program offerings, to customer satisfaction with specific aspects of your services.

We provide

  • Feasibility studies
  • Member retention studies
  • Program evaluation
  • Preschool feasibility studies

As well as

  • Secondary research
  • Market audits
  • Site analysis
  • Demographic trends
The sample size
for each project
is chosen
to ensure
at least 95%

The data obtained from our surveys tell

  • how many people will join
  • what they are willing to pay for membership
  • what facility features are most critical
  • what programs and services are most popular
  • what location is preferred
  • how much revenue can be generated from memberships
  • and more!

In order to achieve the lowest level of statistical error, the sample size for each project is chosen to ensure at least 95% confidence.

Let us help you take your non-profit to the next level. Call us today at 404-888-0530